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Thread: why do threads get locked on here every time i post?

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  1. #1
    Mustang Guru billyNOTnice's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Huntingdon PA

    Question why do threads get locked on here every time i post?

    I've never been on a forum that is so overbearing. You can't even have a grown up debate because everyone gets butt hurt. I just don't get it. I mean i don't know pure stock or gm killer but they bust my balls and i don't care, it's all in fun. Just some old fashion car guy smack talk as far as i'm concerned and nothing to get bent out of shape about. I understand everyone has their clicks so obviously if us guys from huntingdon get on here talking smack, you guys from down there are going to fire back and that's cool. your friends are nut swingers, our friends are nut swingers... everyone loves to race, and obviously we are all competitors so why are all these threads getting locked. i'm tired of all the posts getting deleted, and threads being locked for no reason. If they are getting locked out because someone is complaining, then send those whiners into their own 13yr old and under forum where they can talk about pillows and flowers. Am I the only one who feels like posting in this place is like walking on thin ice... it's a wonder the entire forum gets filled with b/s threads about the last time someone went to the bathroom. I have no doubt that we all would get along in person.
    Last edited by billyNOTnice; 04-06-2008 at 03:54 PM. Reason: forgot to add
    Roll With The Mill Creek Mafia

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