Quote Originally Posted by Ares View Post
I agree lol.

The last thing I'm going to say is that I don't have a problem with guys that want to TNT thats just what you like to do. I try to improve the TNT's and talk to them about changing some things for you guys. I was pushing for no gamblers race on TNT, not for me I want it, but I thought it would help the TNT guys. So when I'm on here and I see all the trashed talked on the track it gets to me.

Most of the complaints are petty and are just something to here yourself b****. For example the stones, there a plenty of places to pit on a TNT where there isn't stones and you know the stones are there so if its that big a deal don't go and enough said. As for the way employees treat people I agree 100% and I already mentioned that to someone. If an employee treats you bad and drops F'bombs ask to talk to Michael Tedesco and talk to him about it. I'm sure he will take care of it and you might even get a free pass. What do you do if a waitress tells you to f*** off, you would ask to talk to a manager, right.

I hope that for those that go this year have a better experience. I enjoy the place along with many others and I'm glad I don't have to travel more then 40 minutes to enjoy racing my car.