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Thread: Mac Pro chamber catless mid-pipe for sale

  1. #1

    Mac Pro chamber catless mid-pipe for sale

    I had Mike @ Wolfpack install this catless Mac prochamber mid-pipe on my 03 GT about a month ago (a few weeks before the weather broke) and now my wife is telling me the car is too loud for her (please hold your opinions, thank you :)). So, this Wednesday I am having Mike re-install my factory mid-pipe. I am looking to sell my Mac Prochamber and was wondering if anyone would be interested in purchasing it. It is by every sense of the definition "like new". I paid $250 for it and would sell it for $200, Mike said he will install it for the buyer for approximately $50. So, in essense, it will be like buying a new one with free install.

    Any takers? Does this sound like a good deal? If you are interested, I can talk to Mike about just leaving it at his shop to be installed on your car.

    I will say this about the Prochamber - even though I've only been driving my car with it for about two weeks, I'm going to miss the thunderous rumble.

    -Redfire Vert

  2. #2
    Everything I have is slow 2001GTTT's Avatar
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    i feel very very bad for for this poor guy...
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  3. #3
    Spoon Killer HidalgoGT's Avatar
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    Aww, I loved my pro chamber on my 04...Bump
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  4. #4
    Modular Ford Performance Wolfpack Speed's Avatar
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    Sorry to hear Jim, your car sounds great like it is! Good luck on the sale and I will see you Wednesday.
    Wolfpack Speed, Inc.
    4290 Campbells Run Rd
    Pittsburgh, PA 15205
    (412) 279-4902

  5. #5
    If anyone is slightly interested in my prochamber (Mac part# pc9900) and would like to pm me an offer I'm cool with that - I really don't know what it's worth outside of knowing what I paid for it and the fact that it has less than 100 miles on it.

    If I don't sell it before Thursday, I will most likely just take it to Carlisle this Friday and have my buddy sell it with his other parts.

    -Redfire Vert
    "Support your local speedshop"

  6. #6
    Modular Ford Performance Wolfpack Speed's Avatar
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    Here is a picture of the pro-chamber for anyone that may be interested. We swapped it out this morning and the pipe is at my shop if anyone wants to buy it or come take a look. As you can see, it is as new as you can get! Good luck on the sale Jim, nice to see you again!


    Attached Images Attached Images
    Wolfpack Speed, Inc.
    4290 Campbells Run Rd
    Pittsburgh, PA 15205
    (412) 279-4902

  7. #7
    Oh dear thehill63's Avatar
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    ah, thats the car you were doing when i was busy being late,

  8. #8
    Modular Ford Performance Wolfpack Speed's Avatar
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    yep, he was here at 6:30...swapped them before he went to work
    Wolfpack Speed, Inc.
    4290 Campbells Run Rd
    Pittsburgh, PA 15205
    (412) 279-4902

  9. #9
    Mike, Thank you for the quick change...ever think of going south and joining a pit crew? Also, thanks for posting the pix.

    My car still sounds good, but no where near as good without those pipes! I feel like I neutered my car in some respects...

  10. #10
    Senior Member scott5's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 2001GTTT View Post
    i feel very very bad for for this poor guy...

    grab it up

  11. #11
    Senior Member SV1000s's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by scott5 View Post
    grab it up

    X 2

  12. #12
    Wow, I have zero offers thus far! Am I asking too much? What if I were to pick-up half the cost of install for anyone who buys it and has Wolfpack Speed install it?

  13. #13
    Modular Ford Performance Wolfpack Speed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by redfire vert View Post
    Wow, I have zero offers thus far! Am I asking too much? What if I were to pick-up half the cost of install for anyone who buys it and has Wolfpack Speed install it?

    Thats what I am talking about Give it some time Jim, somebody will grab it up!
    Wolfpack Speed, Inc.
    4290 Campbells Run Rd
    Pittsburgh, PA 15205
    (412) 279-4902

  14. #14
    Everything I have is slow 2001GTTT's Avatar
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    First of all, i already have a midpipe guys, and i love my combo now. Mike you must be doing an A++ job (as usual) bump for a clean pipe!
    2018 Jeep Grand Cherokee
    1931 Ford Model A - Project
    1991 BMW 325iX
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    2001 Mustang GT - gone but never forgotten. RIP.

  15. #15
    bump. I still have the pipe. $180.

  16. #16
    Senior Member Inkdcountryboy's Avatar
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    send a pic to itll fit my 01 gt right?

  17. #17
    Oh dear thehill63's Avatar
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    pic is on the first page of this thread

  18. #18
    Inkdcountryboy, let me know if you're interested. I'm sure we can work out a deal before Mike starts charging me storage... :-)

    Btw, you could call Mac and ask them if it will fit your car just to be sure, the part # is pc9900.


  19. #19
    Senior Member
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    are the midpipes for cobras and GTs the same or different? My bassani stuff is a 5 piece design where as these look like they're 1 piece.

    Bump for a new midpipe :)

  20. #20
    Modular Ford Performance Wolfpack Speed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MBH View Post
    are the midpipes for cobras and GTs the same or different? My bassani stuff is a 5 piece design where as these look like they're 1 piece.

    Bump for a new midpipe :)
    fits both
    Wolfpack Speed, Inc.
    4290 Campbells Run Rd
    Pittsburgh, PA 15205
    (412) 279-4902

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