I had Mike @ Wolfpack install this catless Mac prochamber mid-pipe on my 03 GT about a month ago (a few weeks before the weather broke) and now my wife is telling me the car is too loud for her (please hold your opinions, thank you :)). So, this Wednesday I am having Mike re-install my factory mid-pipe. I am looking to sell my Mac Prochamber and was wondering if anyone would be interested in purchasing it. It is by every sense of the definition "like new". I paid $250 for it and would sell it for $200, Mike said he will install it for the buyer for approximately $50. So, in essense, it will be like buying a new one with free install.
Any takers? Does this sound like a good deal? If you are interested, I can talk to Mike about just leaving it at his shop to be installed on your car.
I will say this about the Prochamber - even though I've only been driving my car with it for about two weeks, I'm going to miss the thunderous rumble.
-Redfire Vert