Finished up trimming edges and getting hood mounted to car. After minor detour to repair a blown out plug on my dads truck.
Nice hood as I liked the design Harwood uses for cowl. I get real picky on the desgns and shpaes some companies use. Sucked having to trim side edges. It did fit without trimming except where hood rise meets cowl and just at the hinges. Today I used a 5" round sanding disk with 40 grit paper to knock the sides down about 1/4". I think I removed about 5/16"+ around the hood. Since it comes in a black gel coat finish I decdied to leave it that and hit the gel coat with Mothers step 1, 2 and 3 wax till it was super smooth and shiney. Gel coat isn't perfectly smooth in places but was respectable to not worry about. I have some stainless hood pins to mount yet and will finish that sometime this week. My only complaint since it is a "bolt" on hood and steel plate that catches latch needed to be moved backwards maybe 1/8" Since it was riveted in place I used a sawzall to trim 1/8" out of back side of opening so latch assembly would not hit it. Again minor issue to me.
Enjoy pics.