Hey guys. I'm looking at getting a stang within the next year or so here. One of the primary reasons I haven't bought one yet is the fact that my insurance would be as much as, if not more than, my car payment. I'm 24, have good credit, one ticket (for red light) in past 3 years, and I'm getting quoted around $200-250/mo. for an 03 Cobra.
Now I know a GT would be less, but I still think that is high for me. I wanna know what you guys are paying for insurance on your rides.
If you don't mind giving info, just like your age, if you have any accidents/tickets, and how much you're paying. I'd really appreciate it, so then maybe I can get a better understand on why insurance is so high.
I think I should be dropping next year when I'll be 25 and my ticket will drop off (got it April 2006).
Thanks in advance