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Thread: Dug it out from the MM&FF archives...

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  1. #1
    Not Bad for 367 SAE RWHP Pure Stock's Avatar
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    Dug it out from the MM&FF archives...

    Appeared in the July 1997 issue. Titled "12-Second Time Warp" The setting is no other place than Raceway Park on a cold March morning. The article illustrates how two owners selected specific time honored mods in an effort to lose e.t. An 88 speed density LX hatch, a 93 LX coupe and a 1994 SN-95 are tested.

    First up is the 88 LX hatch. Sporting a set of 2.73's, 225/60/15 radials, and 110,000 miles this fox body had a minimal amount of mods. Rounding out the short list was a Pro-5.0 shifter, advanced timing, air silencer delete, and removed front sway bar. Weighing in @ 3,200 w/driver a best that day of 13.99@100 was realized. Best e.t. ever was a 13.92@100.

    The next participant was piloting a 1994 Mustang GT. Checking in at a portly 3,500 lbs. this stocker produced some respectable times. Mods included: 13 degrees of base timing, Kenne Bell ram-air, K&N stock replacement filter, under drive pulleys, 2 1/2" off-road H, flowmaster 2-chambers, 3.73's, Pro-5.0 shifter, and McCreary G-60's out back. Best e.t. of the day for this 5.0L was a 13.97@96.95 MM&FF made a prediction after the 13.9 pass that with a 26x9 slicks, short belt, and skinnies, 13.6's were attainable.

    The third and final partcipant's entry was a 93 coupe. With 3.73's out back for the duration of the test this 302 was de-modded to show what e.t. reduction could be had from a well chosen parts list. Due to time constraints the 3.73's, removed sway bar and MSD ignition were retained during the de-mod process. The homemade ram air and K&N panel filter was ditched in favor of a stock type paper filter. Timing was retarded back to the factory specified 10 degrees. The underdrive pulleys were also retained for the baseline testing. In this baseline form a 13.99@99 was discovered.

    First rounds of mods included: bumping the timing to 15 degrees. This yielded a 14.11@98.

    Second round of mods: K&N panel filter, ram-air, and ported stock M.A.F. This configuration generated a 2.12 short time and a 13.59@100

    Third round mods: Removed from passenger seat (60 lbs.) Raceweight 3,120 at this point. Added slicks 13.14 mid 1.7 sixties.

    Fourth round mods: Skinnies replaced the Ponies and subtracted another 25 lbs. This netted a 13.03@100 Then a 12.96 was realized. A .97 and a .99 all @100mph were the back up hits.

    In conclusion, well thought out mods, driver ability, and favorable conditions made for some low e.t. and good mph.
    Last edited by Pure Stock; 05-21-2008 at 04:38 PM.
    2011 Mustang GT, MT-82, 3.73's :

    BONE STOCK 12.223@115.18

  2. #2
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Polar Vortex
    Thats cool, I love digging up old mmff's it's like new reading material after a couple years.

  3. #3
    Senior Member blizzard's Avatar
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    Mar 2008
    Castle Shannon
    i've got a filing cabinet or so of them through the 90s and into the 00s. gonna dig some out tonight

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