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Thread: ANOTHER stupid civic story :(

  1. #1
    Right Wing Nut Dragger Troll's Avatar
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    ANOTHER stupid civic story :(

    So, I'm out on my 2nd ride of the day and I'm nearing the end. I'm about 4 miles from home. I've had all my fun already. I'm on route 119S going past the Everson exit. For anybody that doesn't know the area, it's a 4-lane road, but the speed limit goes from 55 to 50 right at this exit, then about 2 miles down the road, a construction zone takes it down to 1 lane in both directions. The construction speed limit is 35 and there's on of those radar-blinky signs at the beginning telling you your speed.

    Anyway, as I'm cruising past this Everson exit in the left lane in 5th about 55mph, I see a flat black civic coming down the ramp. He gets jammed up with 3 or 4 cars in teh right lane and he has to stop on the ramp. He sees the "mustang" and really gives me the eyeball. I really really really don't give a shit. So, I eventually get over in the right lane and I see him dodging in and out of cars trying to make his way up to me. I slow down to about 45-50 just to see what he'll do. He manages to get a clear shot about 1/2 mile before the construction zone starts. He shoots into the left lane and slowly revs up through a few gears. He cuts right in front of me as we're passing the digital speed limit sign. It read 72mph for him, then 48mph for me. He then proceeds to slam his brakes on to keep from center-punching the 10 cars in front of him going 35mph. I was making the very next right off of 119, but he did not know this. There is a light there. There was one car in front of him that is stopped at the light, then him, then me. I got as close to his bumper as I could and revved on him for the whole red light. You could seem him physically bouncing around inside the car. The light turns green and he almost runs into the guy in front of him. I stay right on his ass for 50 feet, then turn quick right and go home.

    He's probably still roaring around Connellsville looking for me.

    When he flew past me into that construction zone, I was hoping and praying for a Statie to be somewhere in the vicinity, but no luck today.

    What the 4uck is wrong with these kids. I like to play around and get on it every once in a while, but doubling the posted construction zone speed limit is just about the most retarded thing I've seen in a long time.

    I should've just eased on the throttle and ran him straight through all the orange construction thingies and into the 8-inch hole where they were patching the concrete.

  2. #2
    Senior Member
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    wow, thats the worst chip on the shoulder I've heard about this year. Poor bastard wants to prove his honduh... although it would just prove how slow it really is lol. Glad you didn't take the bait, punks like that aren't worth the trouble.

  3. #3
    Senior Member blizzard's Avatar
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    LOL! did it sound like an frustrated chainsaw?

  4. #4
    Right Wing Nut Dragger Troll's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by blizzard View Post
    LOL! did it sound like an frustrated chainsaw?
    what bothers me more than anything is that he's home right now posting "another Mustang kill" somewhere on the world wide web.

  5. #5
    MPG's, bitch! Mitternacht's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Troll View Post
    what bothers me more than anything is that he's home right now posting "another Mustang kill" somewhere on the world wide web.
    That's ok; you called this topic "ANOTHER stupid civic story"

    2016 Chevrolet Volt
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  6. #6
    Spoon Killer HidalgoGT's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Troll View Post
    what bothers me more than anything is that he's home right now posting "another Mustang kill" somewhere on the world wide web.
    The state cop you were wishing for was up at the old quarry street auto place on 119 I know this as I went past him doing about 65 in the bronco and didn't budge til a moron old guy in a lumina zipped passed me and here came the silver crown vic right up his ass.
    2001 Dodge 2500 The Big Bad "D"
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    1987 Dodge 1/2 ton gasser 4x4 "jr"
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    Not cool cause I don't drive a mustang anymore.
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  7. #7
    Senior Member yellowstang03's Avatar
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    we had a few honda encounters today...and i also got to meet the greensbug police haha
    03 gt kb

  8. #8
    Senior Member Steve-0's Avatar
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    ha i dont think they know how to not be retarded.

    Quote Originally Posted by yellowstang03 View Post
    we had a few honda encounters today...and i also got to meet the greensbug police haha
    Lol saw you guys all flyin down 30 tonight. was in grandpas cavalier tho so no fun for me. I was gettin gas at snookies across from red lobster around 9:30, cars all sounded good

    03 Cobra=slow show car...
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