ok so bought my new rims off mbh an the one center cap is cracked. its the black cap an says svt in silver. does anyone have any? i will buy 4 if u dnt want to part with just one. thanks. punisher
ok so bought my new rims off mbh an the one center cap is cracked. its the black cap an says svt in silver. does anyone have any? i will buy 4 if u dnt want to part with just one. thanks. punisher
daily Bump anyone? even if u dnt have the svt caps does anynmne have 4 of the same caps?
Does anyone at least knw where i can get them 4 a decent price besides 25 bux for one svt center cap?
I'll look around for ya, sorry to hear that you're feeling under the weather today :(
this might be a good fix?