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Thread: place your bets...

  1. #21
    Senior Member
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    I wish... I got smoked :(
    It did make me want to bring out the cobra though.... maybe I'll go tomorrow to the bad boys n girls thing?

  2. #22
    Senior Member blizzard's Avatar
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    haha! looked fun!

    ROFL at the 4x4 cavalier with neons

  3. #23
    Built, Cammed, CCW'd SVT NateSVT's Avatar
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    I was there tonight with my two buddies in their Terminators. I was riding with Anthony (SALEENGTROUSH) in the black 03 KB Cobra and Jake brought his Torch Red 04. I saw your Hummer at the end of the night but wasn't sure if it was yours (didn't see this thread until now) and was going to go ask but I was about to miss my friends runs (I was filming their runs) then we left. I'll post some pics and vids tomorrow.
    Can't wait for my car to be done so I can bring it up there
    Last edited by NateSVT; 06-12-2008 at 05:09 AM.
    2004 SVT Cobra - sold
    2000 Yamaha R1
    2006 Yamaha R1 - Raven

    10.89 @ 127.6 1.61 60' with a ported Eaton

  4. #24
    Senior Member scott5's Avatar
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    18.5s baby!!!!!!!! haha..

    talked to bo, gates, bob, and some other folk....

    I thought that was you nate in the car with gates at the end of his last run.. I was driving by in a black ws6..

  5. #25
    Will Work For Car Parts Terminated's Avatar
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    That is a hot stuntin' Cavy.
    Dan -- 2003 Cobra DSG Coupe #6009

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  6. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by NateSVT View Post
    I was there tonight with my two buddies in their Terminators. I was riding with Anthony (SALEENGTROUSH) in the black 03 KB Cobra and Jake brought his Torch Red 04. I saw your Hummer at the end of the night but wasn't sure if it was yours (didn't see this thread until now) and was going to go ask but I was about to miss my friends runs (I was filming their runs) then we left. I'll post some pics and vids tomorrow.
    Can't wait for my car to be done so I can bring it up there
    I was wonderin if that was you or not. You were wearing a white t shirt and you have darker hair? I didn't want to be a creeper and say hey, I have a hunch that your name is nate and I talked to u on da intranets before and have it turn out to be somebody else hahaha.

    What did nate and jake end up running? Whats jake have done to his?

    Did you by chance get any of my runs, or did you run out of tape/batteries before the run was over. I'd love to point out the fact that that big turd of mine put a hurt on that Si out of the hole on my last run (~10 pm).

    There was some little guy wearing a hummer shirt there too that looked familiar. Does he own an evo by chance?

  7. #27
    Clean mineralrob's Avatar
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    You mean gates?

    What did nate and jake end up running? Whats jake have done to his?

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  8. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by mineralrob View Post
    You mean gates?

    What did nate and jake end up running? Whats jake have done to his?
    I don't think so...?

    Nate was riding shotty with Jake?
    Gates is Anthony, or did I mess that up?

  9. #29
    Senior Member scott5's Avatar
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    Nate was with gates (black car) that you met over by sam and his navigator

  10. #30
    Senior Member scott5's Avatar
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    oh and there last runs were both 12.3s and 12.4

  11. #31
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    OH, I just realized I typed nate instead of gates. whoops!

    lol ok, so help me out with this.

    black kb = anthony (gates?)
    orange dust bunny @ mikes shop = nate, who rode along in the red 04
    red 04 = jake (is he on the forum?)
    sam = guy with the gator. Does he have a cobra?

    scott = thank god you found me or it woulda been a pretty boring night.

  12. #32
    Senior Member scott5's Avatar
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    sam was teh one who had the black navi and yes he has an 04 torch red cobra and an 07 gt500...

    red 04 is jake, dunno if he was on here
    Orange cobra is nate (car was not up there)
    Yes the black 04 KB cobra was anthony gates (met him over by navi)

  13. #33
    Senior Member scott5's Avatar
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    Sorry i didnt get to see your last run, had to help load my buddies black t/a due to own problem on the roll back

  14. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by scott5 View Post
    sam was teh one who had the black navi and yes he has an 04 torch red cobra and an 07 gt500...
    Damn, and he's our age? $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$!?

    edit: hey no problem, you didn't miss much! I was going to swing by again but I couldn't see if you guys were still there or not, I didn't see that big white truck when I was coming back so I assumed u guys just took the black car home early. Great meeting ya scott!
    Last edited by MBH; 06-12-2008 at 12:55 PM.

  15. #35
    Built, Cammed, CCW'd SVT NateSVT's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MBH View Post
    I was wonderin if that was you or not. You were wearing a white t shirt and you have darker hair? I didn't want to be a creeper and say hey, I have a hunch that your name is nate and I talked to u on da intranets before and have it turn out to be somebody else hahaha.

    What did nate and jake end up running? Whats jake have done to his?

    Did you by chance get any of my runs, or did you run out of tape/batteries before the run was over. I'd love to point out the fact that that big turd of mine put a hurt on that Si out of the hole on my last run (~10 pm).

    There was some little guy wearing a hummer shirt there too that looked familiar. Does he own an evo by chance?
    hahah yea that was me.

    Jake's Cobra (04 Torch Red with Saleen wing) just has a 2.8" upper, no port. His best was a 12.3 @ 115. He was just on street tires so his 60's weren't that great.
    The black 03 Cobra is Gates'. His first name is Anthony. He's running 17lbs on the KB. His best time last night was 12.0 @ 126. Not bad for running on bald 275s and a stock 40k mile slipping clutch. His best time with slicks is 11.12 @ 130.

    Sorry man, didn't get any of your runs. If I knew it was you I would have filmed:o

    I don't know the kid that was wearing the Hummer shirt but I did hear his friend say he has a white Evo.
    2004 SVT Cobra - sold
    2000 Yamaha R1
    2006 Yamaha R1 - Raven

    10.89 @ 127.6 1.61 60' with a ported Eaton

  16. #36
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    Sounds good, and no worries. Wish I'd have known it was you I'd have said something... as far as mu truck goes, it woulda been a waste of film anyway lol

    Quote Originally Posted by NateSVT View Post
    I don't know the kid that was wearing the Hummer shirt but I did hear his friend say he has a white Evo.
    I think I recognized him from some videos online. Almost positive its him. He's like 17 or 18 years old and has a video camera worth ~2 grand iirc. I'm not a stalker I swear, its just things like that stick out so I remember them. Sometimes I think I might have a photographic memory, its just out of film most of the time lol

  17. #37
    Built, Cammed, CCW'd SVT NateSVT's Avatar
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    haha yea that was probably him. He was probably around 18 and was carrying around a nice Nikon DSLR.
    Will you be taking the Cobra to the track at all this summer? When my car is done and broken in I need another ported Eaton Cobra to compete with haha. I just want to beat my old best time of 11.9 @ 122.5 on street tires which shouldn't be too hard.
    2004 SVT Cobra - sold
    2000 Yamaha R1
    2006 Yamaha R1 - Raven

    10.89 @ 127.6 1.61 60' with a ported Eaton

  18. #38
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    ya I'll be taking it for sure, that was a lot of fun in the hummer so I can imagine how much more fun it would be in the cobra. I was going to take it tonight to be honest, but I'm going to take a friend out to the bars for a bit. I our cars will be pretty equal with your new motor (since yours should make more power but is a vert and I have better tires), but I've never tracked it before so the first couple of times could get ugly for me. Hell I've only launched it twice from a stop (no traction FTMFL). Should be some fun races between us!!

  19. #39
    SCS Addict Stangman701's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NateSVT View Post
    haha yea that was probably him. He was probably around 18 and was carrying around a nice Nikon DSLR.
    Will you be taking the Cobra to the track at all this summer? When my car is done and broken in I need another ported Eaton Cobra to compete with haha. I just want to beat my old best time of 11.9 @ 122.5 on street tires which shouldn't be too hard.
    Let me know when you're headed out Nate. I might head up. Our cars should be pretty close if you're still running the ported eaton.
    2015 Charger Hellcat
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  20. #40
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    I'll go up when the cobras are going, im still trying for 11's. The black Kb cobra was having some traction issues I saw but it does pull hard on the top end. The red 04 looked good too I thought. I like the fact that two hondas broke while watching!!

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