Damn I need to know where you guys are getting all this money at to have a nice DD in addition to your Terminators haha.
Dan -- 2003 Cobra DSG Coupe #6009
If it looks good, you'll see it. If it sounds good, you'll hear it. If it's marketed right, you'll buy it. But if it's real, you'll feel it. IG: @donuttrump
ray i am pretty sure that nate upgrade to the KB 2.2...
Yea bo we were over putting air in the tires for the drive home
the one with the expensive camera was rob himler....he is amazing with that camera...
03 gt kb
For the last run of the night I rode in Gates car for fun and Jake's gf rode with him. Here's the vid. Jake got a better reaction time but Gates beat his time.
View My Video
2004 SVT Cobra - sold
2000 Yamaha R1
2006 Yamaha R1 - Raven
10.89 @ 127.6 1.61 60' with a ported Eaton
I don't have any speakers, but the eaton rolls out pretty hard on the KB til about 3rd(?) and goes down hard in 4th. Damn it I want to hear that lol
Last edited by MBH; 06-19-2008 at 01:21 PM.