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Thread: need some opinions on my hci combo

  1. #1
    F'in Catalina Yacht Mixer 94svtcobra's Avatar
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    need some opinions on my hci combo

    I'm planning on procomp heads(keith if you could chime in with the specs), trick flow R intake, and a trick flow stage 1 cam. my question is is that cam going to restrict the combo, or should it work well with it?

    Ive had mixed reviews on this, so any input is appreciated

  2. #2
    Big Daddy gmkillr's Avatar
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    Whats your goal with the combo?

    Pro-Comp is junkyard scrap at best.
    The TFS stage xxx cams are cheaply made, inaccurate, scrap cams.

    A nice set of Trick Flow TW's
    That same TFS R intake you suggested above
    A custom cam from whichever cam guru you decide to use.
    Make sure you install the proper springs to match ther cam, use good lifters, rockers, & pushrods.

    Dont cheap out on the valvetrain, this is where most people ruin the full potential of their combo.
    Corvette Z06

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  3. #3
    F'in Catalina Yacht Mixer 94svtcobra's Avatar
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    Im just looking for a budget build right now, up the hp & tq a bit

  4. #4
    Big Daddy gmkillr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 94svtcobra View Post
    Im just looking for a budget build right now, up the hp & tq a bit
    Then just throw a blower on your current combo.

    Theres a used 94-95 Mustang T-trim kit on the corral right now for $1800 that includes everything.
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  5. #5
    F'in Catalina Yacht Mixer 94svtcobra's Avatar
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    I dont have that much cash, I'm supposed to get the trickflow r for my gt40s, and the heads arent going to cost me that much

  6. #6
    Got Boost?
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    Wouldnt waste your money on those garbage heads. Youd be better off having some light port work done on yours.

    I took my GT40s to 10.60 with a blower.
    2013 Race Red F-150 Screw FX4 Ecoboost

    1994 Rio Red GT
    10.60 @122.88

  7. #7
    Not Bad for 367 SAE RWHP Pure Stock's Avatar
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    What gear? Vehicle weight? Peripherals?
    2011 Mustang GT, MT-82, 3.73's :

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  8. #8
    Pinks All Out #189 349Stroker's Avatar
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    Stage 1 cam isn't enough cam for those heads and intake

    RPM 2 would be better than the R intake

    The heads ain't the best but by far aint the worst and better than a GT 40 head on an N/A car for sure

    As for the trick flow cams being junk.... went 10's N/A with stage 3

    you need alot more details about what trans,rear gear,tires and your goal to get better answers
    88 GT...and some boost

  9. #9
    Senior Member wick's Avatar
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    Race car or fun street car? TFS 1 cam isnt bad. I use it and like it. THose heads are not that bad either. Infact, MM&FF did an article and installation with those not long ago with good results. Good bang for buck out of box. BUT, they wont get you far without a good ammount of work. RIO and gmkiller have race cars, this is where thet are coming from.
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  10. #10
    Nothing clever to say.... jaa55's Avatar
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    there was a set of pro comp CNC'd heads on ebay not too long ago i think they wanted around 600 for them

    Whats the deal with heads, what kind of work would you need to do on them? I remember reading the article in mustang and fast fords and they just had them milled right?
    Last edited by jaa55; 10-10-2009 at 05:26 PM. Reason: cant type or spell
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  11. #11
    Got Boost?
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    Quote Originally Posted by wick View Post
    Race car or fun street car? TFS 1 cam isnt bad. I use it and like it. THose heads are not that bad either. Infact, MM&FF did an article and installation with those not long ago with good results. Good bang for buck out of box. BUT, they wont get you far without a good ammount of work. RIO and gmkiller have race cars, this is where thet are coming from.
    Ive no race car, its a street car.

    Why would you want to buy heads and then have to put work into them to get good results?

    Junk parts=Junk performance. Period.
    2013 Race Red F-150 Screw FX4 Ecoboost

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  12. #12
    F'in Catalina Yacht Mixer 94svtcobra's Avatar
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    Im going to step up to the tf stage 2 cam, with the intake and heads I'll be running, it should be a decent combo. I know compared to so of the big name heads they probably dont match up as well, but for the price, they are a big step up from the gt40s

  13. #13
    Big Daddy gmkillr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rio94gt View Post
    Ive no race car, its a street car.

    Why would you want to buy heads and then have to put work into them to get good results?

    Junk parts=Junk performance. Period.


    Just remember, you get what you pay for........
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  14. #14
    never stock biminiLX's Avatar
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    still stock shortblock/pistons?
    that will limit you.
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  15. #15
    F'in Catalina Yacht Mixer 94svtcobra's Avatar
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    I'm planning on building a bottom end for the car eventually, just don't have the money for it right now, when I do build it I'll prob put some money into some better heads, custom grind cam, etc, but for right now the stock pistons will have to do.

  16. #16
    Pinks All Out #189 349Stroker's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 94svtcobra View Post
    I'm planning on building a bottom end for the car eventually, just don't have the money for it right now, when I do build it I'll prob put some money into some better heads, custom grind cam, etc, but for right now the stock pistons will have to do.
    on that note a Stage 1 might be your best bet but make sure to check p/v clearance

    The R intake won't be bad but an RPM 2 would be your best best considering you can't rev past 6200. See if you can trade someone intakes.Even later the RPM 2 will still work for you.I personally don't care for the R intake,but the R box intake on the other hand is a very nice piece if you build a 347 or something like that later on and rev it near 7000 or so
    88 GT...and some boost

  17. #17
    never stock biminiLX's Avatar
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    Mike, I think I've mentioned this before but the TFS TW head is the BEST for stock pistons AND will support a big inch stroker down the road with porting.
    Heads for your stock shortblock and plans are a no brainer to me----you keep asking so I'll keep suggesting :)
    Edelbrock RPM2, Holley Statemax ;), or TFS R are probably the best intake choices.
    My buddy also uses the TFS TWs and a TFS stage 2 in a stock '93 Cobra shortblock, he likes it alot and makes al,most 500rwhp with just under 10# from a Novi 2000.
    Head choice is limited by the stock pistons unless you notch them in block (not fun) so I say get the biggest valve head that will work and be able to support a stroker.
    '91 LX Bimini Blue
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  18. #18
    Senior Member wick's Avatar
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    The same question keeps getting asked in different manners. You looking for a pat on the butt?, Sure, get the Pro comp heads. But now you say you are going to get another set later down the road. You are not making any sence at all. Go to corral, buy a nice used set of Twisted wedges and be done. You can get a used set for the cost of new pro comps. hey will out flow like a mammer jammer and be the best bet. As said a few threads back. Unless of course you already bought them and are looking for approval. But to but two sets of heads is just plain foolish.
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  19. #19
    Pinks All Out #189 349Stroker's Avatar
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    I guess I should ask what ones you have the 190's or 210's ?

    with the 190's you have more room for a cam with the smaller valve

    The 210's arent a bad head at all.Saw them on a 408 that went 10.20's with a 150 shot.The car wasn't tuned in at all and the converter wasn't right
    88 GT...and some boost

  20. #20
    Big Daddy gmkillr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 349Stroker View Post
    I personally don't care for the R intake,but the R box intake on the other hand is a very nice piece if you build a 347 or something like that later on and rev it near 7000 or so

    What is it that you dont like about the R intake?

    Have you ever owned one one had one flowed on a flow bench?

    The R box is one bad mofo but you need a big cowl hood to fit it.
    Corvette Z06

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