there should be a Bambi clause in the rulebook then, this is a very possible scenario. :D
'13 IOM Camaro 2SS/RS: 3 pedals & needing a driver mod
What if 2 cars break during the race does the car who was out further ahead after each party stop wins?
I'll make a KING OF THE STREET plate,I'll go with NMCA True street rules & it will have a Bambi clause !Guffey will be PRESIDENT(causeeveryonelooksdownonhim) !!!!
hows that sound! The plate will have to be won here first & the where ever the plate holders area is ! Plate holder can choose to travel on his own to defend it in holders chooses to do so!
lets set up a date to have the run off for the first REAL street racers plate!
Yup,but u have to make the 30 mile cruise in the area of the racing!
i'd drive the car but just like to see if the tow rig can make it.:D
'13 IOM Camaro 2SS/RS: 3 pedals & needing a driver mod
I agree that plate aint legitimate unless all cars are allowed! The prove my car is a street car rules can get ugly though. I dont want involved
can it drive 30 miles then race?
it is funny that there are rules to get a plate by definition breaks state rules by street racing and driving over posted speed limit signs.. but that's just me..
Andy didn't make the rules, by what he told me phil made the rules not andy and from what I understood phil is the starter of this plate there is his plate and has to be there to watxh the race so he know who has the plate at a given time..
And I completely agree 110% with mater about if there is rules then do them by the NnMCA true street rule book.. and run what you brung and hope its enough...
Has anyone seen the movie bikerboys? This reminds me of it, only they race for helmets.
I'm not scared to race anyone, I drive for a living i'm scared of losing my license...there is no way I'd be able to talk my way out of that saying I never met you and was just trying to pass you or something.
Laugh all you want but it would have went down if we didn't get followed and have our plates run that night.
Phil's list of rules was a mile long, in order for me to be allowed to run I had to:
Make 7 sub 10.00 second passes
disconnect the front or rear axles to run in 2wd
choose 1 power adder not 2
choose how many lengths he was to give me
Beat all the Ricers for the "little dog" plate
Race his Chevy II and beat him to win the plate
There were others but I don't remember them all...and who's the ricer excuse king now? I'd be the first to admit that RWD > AWD so why he wanted me to disconnect axles is beyond me.
Andy I'm not scared to race you I have no reason to be, you're a low 11sec car with no transmission Linem UP!;)
710whp/520wtq 9.95@145
holy crap that is alot of rules!
No transmission? he has one cause there was no way i would be able to drive it over 2 hrs to and from mt.pleasant with the t-tops out, cd player playing and getting 20mpg without a 6spd tranny.. so a low 11sec car that can do all that is a good street car to me
Last edited by scott5; 09-13-2010 at 06:51 PM.
Heard the transmission was already sold...I believe I heard it from the person who bought it...
710whp/520wtq 9.95@145
LETS HAVE A PITTY PARTY FOR ANDY!!!!he's all mad & BUTT hurt PHILmyBUTTs making him race me in JJ's blazer,he called me an andyhole & said im childish,he's upset he cant hide from no one anymore,PHILLMYBUTT said race or give up the plate!!!!!
Scott5 u had to text me & have me call him out again,i was kinda letting it go,Now my BUDDY Andy all mad @ me!!!!