If it were your car, what would you do in this situation?
You have a 93 LX convertible with 143,xxx miles. You have already put over $2,000 into the car just to get it on the road. The car burns about 1 qt of oil every 1500 miles and the coolant needs filled every 3000 miles, and they are not leaking on the ground so it is going somewhere internally. You have a tight budget and want to keep whatever project to an absolute minimum. Do you…
1) replace the motor with a crate motor and put out around $4-5K. By doing so you’ll also need whatever upgrade parts to compensate the new motor (ie injectors, intake…..)
2) pull the motor and rebuild it with new rings, seals, etc so that it is like a brand new stock motor
3) pull the motor and rebuild it with upgraded internal parts and bore it .30 over, then add on the extra goodies like a cam, heads, intake, rockers, etc….
4) sell the car and take your losses
Let me know your thoughts and the cheapest route and most economical route for an extremely budget inflicted project. You also would like to have this project finished by May 2007.