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Thread: 07 front suspension front thunking noice

  1. #1

    07 front suspension front thunking noice

    i am looking for a dealer who will fix my front suspension noise. i bought car new in jan. 07 and had tsb 07-18-2 done on front suspension in dec. 07. it fixed the problem temporarily and now noise is back. I took car to a dealer today and they can't find anything loose or worn. they said they took another mustang on lot and it thunked too. they told me it is normal. car has now 3500 miles on it. i understand some newer mustangs have this problem some don't. mine and the one on the dealer lot did so they all do and it is normal, accordingly to the dealer. dealer gave me # of ford, i called ford and ford called dealer. dealer told ford they all have thunking noise so ford told me to take it to another dealer. HELP!!
    '07 gt, frpp 4.10, shaftmaster 4" aluminum driveshaft, gta axlebacks, hurst billet w/t-handle, cdc classic chin spoiler, side window louvers, nitto 555 on foose nitrous v chrome wheels

  2. #2
    MPG's, bitch! Mitternacht's Avatar
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    N. Huntingdon
    My 08 doesn't do it. I've also heard about a couple cars being lemon law'd over this issue.

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  3. #3
    Just spank it!!! Viper_ed's Avatar
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    Fayette City, PA
    I had the TSB done twice on my 06.

  4. #4
    MPG's, bitch! Mitternacht's Avatar
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    N. Huntingdon
    Quote Originally Posted by Viper_ed View Post
    Ah, ok. I forgot yours had it too.

    2016 Chevrolet Volt
    2010 Jetta TDi Cup Edition
    1964 Lincoln Continental
    And 5 other things that don't run

  5. #5
    Viper ed! i am hoping you can help me out with this issue since i had it done once already. the ford dealer i bought it off in jan. 07 has been a pain in my a$$. i took my car there for 1000 mile oil change and i watched mechanic drive into a filing cabinet. when they did the tsb the mechanic dropped a wrench off the rad support and nicked up the top of the bumper. i dont want to take it to the dealer i bought it off. today i took it to another dealer and got no results. the car only has 3500 miles on it and i've had it for over 2 years. what dealer do you think will help me out that has knowledge of this issue? please help!!
    '07 gt, frpp 4.10, shaftmaster 4" aluminum driveshaft, gta axlebacks, hurst billet w/t-handle, cdc classic chin spoiler, side window louvers, nitto 555 on foose nitrous v chrome wheels

  6. #6
    Just spank it!!! Viper_ed's Avatar
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    I had mine done at Tom Clark Ford in Greensburg which is no longer in business as they were purchased by Bud Smail. Don't know if they kept any of the mechanics when they moved the dearership down the street, but you could call and ask if they have a Ford tech named Russ. He always handled the work for me at Tom Clark and is a Mustang owner himself.

    If not, I'd try Davies Ford.

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